School Information at a Glance
Riverbank Charter School of Excellence is located in Florence Township, NJ. There are 8 classrooms, a multi-purpose room, administrative offices, nurse's office and a basic skills classroom. Classrooms are equipped with current technology, ample materials and provide a comfortable, differentiated and engaging learning environment.
Grades: Kindergarten through Third Grade
Students: 160 students
Host District(s): Florence Township
Lead Person and Principal: Ms. Beth K. Kelley
Class Size: 20 students in each classroom 2 classes at each grade level
Certified Staff Members: 14 Full Time Teachers
School: The school is located in Florence Township
Grades: Kindergarten through Third Grade
Students: 160 students
Host District(s): Florence Township
Lead Person and Principal: Ms. Beth K. Kelley
Class Size: 20 students in each classroom 2 classes at each grade level
Certified Staff Members: 14 Full Time Teachers
School: The school is located in Florence Township